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Birchwood Cubs say goodbye to 'Shere Khan' Ruth Hayes

It was with great sadness from all of the cubs of Birchwood cub pack that they had to say goodbye to Ruth Hayes known by her pack name "Shere Khan" on Monday 12th December 2016.

A short presentation took place at the end of the pack's meeting, where the Group Scout Leader Christopher Holliss spoke of how Ruth had been a most wonderful cub leader over the course of the past 2 years, of her

obvious enjoyment taken from being a part of the scouting movement, and her excellence as a leader, despite this being her first scouting role. She brought an element of fun and joy into all that the pack has done, giving up a lot of her time to give her

cubs the opportunities to take part in events like night hikes, bush-craft days and much more that they would not have not been able to do if she had not. You can always tell the mark of a leader and that is the happiness that they bring, and the reaction of the cubs when the time comes to say goodbye. Ruth you shall be missed by us all.

Ruth was presented with a bouquet of flowers, a large wine glass with the group's logo engraved upon the front and a collection by the parents and leaders to show the appreciation for all that she has done for our children.

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